Topic: Auto-loading in 7.1.2


TWS edit: split topic

Ok so I got some things to work and I can export sounds now...however I do have another issue.
I am receiving Wind arrangements in Sib 6.  I have Sib 7 and VDL 2.5.5.  When I receive them to add my percussion arrangements, I assume that I need to open the VDL template and copy the Wind book into the VDL template correct (with proper staffs)?  When I do this and add my percussion parts, sometimes my VDL sounds get routed through Sibelius sounds and no longer plays my VDL sounds.  I would send you a copy of my playback set-up but I don't know how to that.  I have 2 working Kontak 5 players VDL 7.0a devices and 1 Sibelius 7 device.  Could it be the way the Wind scores are sent to me?  Thanks.      

Hugh Smith

Quote from: fbowlus on July 08, 2012, 08:19:50 PM
I am receiving Wind arrangements in Sib 6.  I have Sib 7 and VDL 2.5.5.  When I receive them to add my percussion arrangements, I assume that I need to open the VDL template and copy the Wind book into the VDL template correct (with proper staffs)?

Yes. That's how I would do it.

Quote from: fbowlus on July 08, 2012, 08:19:50 PM
When I do this and add my percussion parts, sometimes my VDL sounds get routed through Sibelius sounds and no longer plays my VDL sounds.  I would send you a copy of my playback set-up but I don't know how to that.  I have 2 working Kontak 5 players VDL 7.0a devices and 1 Sibelius 7 device.  Could it be the way the Wind scores are sent to me?

I don't think it's the way the wind scores are sent to you if all you're doing is copying and pasting.

Somehow somewhere the auto-loading in Sibelius 7.1.2 broke. As in, it doesn't always work like it supposed to. Sibelius is aware of this and is currently looking into it. Most people aren't going to have it, but if you still have the 7.1.0 installer, you can try rolling back to it and that should take care of your auto-loading issue.

The auto-loading problems I've had are different than what you've described. All my unpitched non-VDL instruments get routed through VDL - the opposite of what you're seeing. Go figure. So until Sibelius gets this fixed, I think we're all stuck finding our own workarounds. And here is a little more on the subject.

Anyone with suggestions is free to add them here.
Hugh Smith


Thank you!  I didn't think I was doing anything wrong.  I will try to see if I can get 7.1.0 installed again. 
Appreciate it!