Topic: Sib 6 with Kontakt4 and Sib 7 with Kontakt5 on same machine


Has anyone had success having both Sib 6 and Sib 7 with Kontakt 4 and Kontak 5 installed on the same machine? I had Sib6 and Sib 7 with Kontakt 2 and Kontakt 5 installed with Sib 7 *NOT* working (it was pre 7.1 patch so VDL never worked). I've since fixed  Sib 7 on my backup  machine but don't want to get to crazy with my primary machine and screw myself unless i know someone else got it to work!

CapnDoody (Chris)

Hugh Smith

Hi Chris, welcome to the forum.

I have Sibelius 5, 6 and 7 on my Windows 7 machine. Also have Kontakt Player's 2, 4 and 5 installed. The Playback Configurations are different in each version of Sibelius, but everything is working as it should be.

Hugh Smith