The Write Score Forum

For Finale => Installation & Setup => Topic started by: mikep on June 16, 2017, 08:44:45 AM

Title: Help with clean install
Post by: mikep on June 16, 2017, 08:44:45 AM
Hi Ted,

I had to wipe my macbook pro clean and do a reinstall of everything. I thought I had backups of all pertinent files for VDL in my Dropbox before the wipe, but it seems I'm missing those that make the templates work. Following the Finale 2014 Read Me, I searched my machine for the file "FIN14_VDL255_Percussion Library.lib" and it's missing. See the attached image where I searched for "FIN14".

Any chance I can get replacement files?
Title: Re: Help with clean install
Post by: Hugh Smith on June 16, 2017, 01:07:27 PM
Have you tried logging into the main site and going to your Downloads page? Use the Contact ( form if you have troubles with that.
Title: Re: Help with clean install
Post by: mikep on June 16, 2017, 01:36:59 PM
Got it, thanks! I'm sure I'll be posting again soon with questions regarding setup. Speaking of, could anyone point me to instructions for setting up VDL in Finale? There was a video link to YouTube in the VDL documentation but it didn't work for me.
Title: Re: Help with clean install
Post by: TBoliske on June 16, 2017, 03:12:25 PM
Instructions for setting up VDL for use with Finale should be included in the VDL manual. Essentially, you're installing Kontakt/Kontakt  Player, making sure that Kontakt sees the VDL library and runs in standalone, and that Finale sees Kontakt. Understand that the newest version of Finale is 64-bit and requires Kontakt 5. If you're certain that you've installed Kontakt correctly but Finale does not see Kontakt (it's not listed in available devices in the Score Manager), then check which version of Kontakt has been installed.

After you're certain that Kontakt, VDL, and Finale all work together, review the Template Read Me and place all of the Finale files in the package in the correct locations.
Title: Re: Help with clean install
Post by: mikep on June 17, 2017, 04:17:40 PM
Jim replied to my thread in the Tapspace forum that documentation for setup of VDL would be found here. I can't find the info in your documentation or theirs. I'm talking about the basics of getting Kontakt to show up as a playback source. It's not in the user manual. I know it's out there somewhere but I can't find it in either forum or the accompanying documents.

I'm using 2014.5 so I did download Kontakt 4.2, but still not showing up. Is there something I need to do?
Title: Re: Help with clean install
Post by: TBoliske on June 17, 2017, 06:48:06 PM
ou have installed
Check my response above your most recent posting.

Are you saying that you don't see Kontakt as an available device in Kontakt? What version of Kontakt do you have installed? Is it 32-bit or 64-bit? The AU or VST version? Since you're on a Mac you should be using the Audio Units (AU) version. VST versions will work but the AU version is the default Mac format for audio plug-ins.

When you open and run Kontakt, do you see VDL listed?
Title: Re: Help with clean install
Post by: mikep on June 17, 2017, 08:38:06 PM
I have followed the steps you suggested, but no luck.

I'm using Kontakt version 4.2 which I downloaded today from Tapspace, which the support said should work with 2014.5. Not sure how to tell if it's AU or VST? VDL loads in Kontakt and I can play the sounds on the built in keyboard, so that's working. I just don't know how to get it to show up in Finale. I've forgotten what the steps are to make that happen. I did copy the files to the locations suggested.

When I open the AU and Bank Effects menu in Finale, I don't see Kontakt as a choice. Is there more to getting it to show up?
Title: Re: Help with clean install
Post by: Hugh Smith on June 19, 2017, 12:29:07 PM
Quote from: mikep on June 17, 2017, 04:17:40 PM
Jim replied to my thread in the Tapspace forum that documentation for setup of VDL would be found here. ...

I believe either you misinterpreted what Jim said or Jim misspoke (re: link ( The Write Score does not have any instructions for getting the basic VDL setup going in Finale (or Sibelius). Use of the TWS Templates assumes you've already done that part.

Now with that said, Ted and I do our best to help get people going.

So Ted, I'll get out of your way. :)
Title: Re: Help with clean install
Post by: TBoliske on June 19, 2017, 04:05:07 PM

Check this link from Finale.
Title: Re: Help with clean install
Post by: mikep on June 19, 2017, 06:55:06 PM
Did all the steps, no progress. On the last step, I didn't have the cache files that it said to delete - mine were different. I did move the two similar named files to the trash and restarted, still no luck. I also took a screen shot of the AU plugin menu. I used to also have the Aria player available. Any reason that wouldn't be there anymore? I thought that was included in Finale 2014.
Title: Re: Help with clean install
Post by: TBoliske on June 20, 2017, 02:11:41 PM
As far as the Aria player is concerned, that is a separate install. It's included with the Finale installer but doesn't automatically install with Finale.
Title: Re: Help with clean install
Post by: mikep on June 20, 2017, 02:54:21 PM
I reinstalled Kontakt 4 as suggested by Tapsace help. That worked - kind of. When I open a template, I have to choose Kontakt 4 and then all the sounds default to bank 2. It will not let me load into bank 1. Is there a workaround for this? Also, the score manager doesn't show that the sound is there, but it does work (see attachment). I have the snare sound loaded, but there's no change in this window to indicate that. It does function properly otherwise.

If I were to try Kontakt 5.2, which is 32 bit, could that fix this issue?
Title: Re: Help with clean install
Post by: TBoliske on June 20, 2017, 08:27:33 PM
It's possible to change the Bank by clicking either the Bank number or the up/down arrows. Then select "Next Available Bank". It should allow you to set the Bank as Bank 1.

Regarding the sound not displaying, it's honestly been a while since I've needed to check this. It's possible that because the sounds are not part of the Finale instrument list they may not display. When I'm back at my desktop I'll have a better answer.