Topic: rolling metal and bugle octaves


Hi folks,

I have a couple of questions :)

First off, I have Sibelius 6, VDL 2.5, and VDL Template 6.0b

Question 1:  Rolls on various percussion who'sits!?!?!?

I've been building full battery and pit parts in VDL and I'm running into a brick wall at how to get the template based suspended cymbal rolls, gong rolls, and concert bass drum rolls to play back correctly.  I will enter the sound with the midi keyboard, I will hear the sound, and I will apply the correct notehead, but when I try to play it back nothing happens.  Am I missing something stupid like I'm not putting the right slashes over it?  when I put slashes over gongs and bass drums it sounds terrible, but I can't get the preset sounds to do what I want either.  sometimes when I enter via the midi keyboard, especially on suspended cymbals in the rack combos, it will bump the not super high above the staff and play back that way, but thats not really an acceptable note placement :(

RECAP:  my gong, concert bass, and suspended cymbal rolls are giving me lots of trouble, how can I work this out?

Question 2:  I'm also trying to build in the brass section from the particular DCI show I'm rebuilding.  I'm putting in G Bugles, soprano through contra.  The lower range instruments won't sound in the correct octave at all and I'm not sure how to change this, they're all too high.  is this the nature of G bugles in sibelius (all the parts are written in Treble, which is funny to me, but I'll run with it), or is it that I'm entering the parts in the VDL template, or does that even matter?  I tried entering some notes in a score not based on the template and I still had issues with the contras.  Does anyone have any ideas how to fix this?

RECAP:  my contras don't like me :(

Thank you for your time anyone who reads this and especially if you can answer my questions. 


Hugh Smith

Hi Steve

1) Make sure that you have the "VDL SoundSet 6.0b" sound set applied to all instances of Kontakt Player in your Playback Configuration. Make sure you are using the instruments from the "- VDL Template 6.0b" Ensemble within Sibelius. Leave everything that's TWS template related in your score set to (Auto) in the Mixer.

Attach some screen shots showing what's going on if you still have problems.

2) I'd go with what Jesse said.
Hugh Smith


ok will do.  one follow up.  if I get the garritan brass sample library do I need to get a seperate template for that or will it integrate with the VDL template well?


Hugh Smith

Yes. You can use any other sample library with TWS templates.
Hugh Smith