Topic: Bass Drums Playback as rim clicks on default

Hugh Smith

The TriggerTest worked, good, this means the environment is setup correctly.

I don't mean what library patches are loading, what instrument from the .sib file? See attached image.

Does the problem occur with a fresh copy of the Template?
Hugh Smith


That isn't an option for me.

Hugh Smith

If you don't see the "- VDL Template 7.0a" Ensemble, then you're not using the Template. From the Template package, you need to use a COPY of the file "VDL_Template_7.0a_(Sib7).sib" for your projects.

I get the feeling you have not read the Readme file. Please make one thorough pass through that document. The specifics to using Template instruments in the score is on page 9: Adding Instruments to the Score.
Hugh Smith


Got It!

Hugh Smith

Hugh Smith