Transpositions do not happen in the keyboard parts.
Transpositions do not happen in the keyboard parts.
VDL 2.5.5
Windows 10
TWS Finale 2014 Template
I opened the ensemble template, saved as Mvt. 1. I deleted unnecessary staffs from the pit & drumline sections and then added wind staffs above the ensemble score. I designed the score with all necessary time signature changes, correct keys, measure numbers etc.. I then copied and pasted the wind parts from an older score (2011) to the template's wind score parts. After doing all of this I loaded the correct sounds in Kontakt and used Garritan sounds for the winds. Through the score manager I assigned the keyboard parts to the corresponding VDL channel. Everything sounds fine but the keyboard parts are displaying orange note heads. Through score manager I showed Perc MIDI map. All of the banks and channels are correctly number corresponding to Kontakt & VDL assignments. Everything sounds fine but the note heads are orange.
Another problem I just realized is that the wind score is in the correct key (f minor) but all of the keyboard parts are in C (or no key).
Accidentals also are not displayed in the keyboard parts.
I went to staff attributes and under *items to display* I found that all of the keyboard parts had the *key signature* box checked. In the *independent elements* section none of the keyboard parts had the *key signature* box checked. I went through each keyboard part and checked them all. I go back to the score and there is still not a key signature displayed. If I write a Db in the keyboard parts it displays as a D natural (W/out an accidental displayed) but still sounds as Db.
I'm sure I have missed something.
Any ideas?