Topic: unwanted Muted brass.


I updated to the latest version a few months ago, so I dont think thats the problem. but, the brass sounds muted unless I make them legato with a slur and they sound normal. Bass guitar does an unattractive, distorted slur between each note.
In truth, I haven't used the template since I've had them. I suspect its an installation error.
I use an iMac OS X Lion 10.7.5 and I'm running Sibelius 7.1.3

Hugh Smith

Which template are you using?
Hugh Smith


I'm using template 7.1, and I've another, soundset 7.1a with Sibelius 7.1.3.
In addition to this all bass guitars and acoustic bass 'Scoop' each note. Incredibly frustrating !
The machine is an iMac running OS X Lion 10.7.5.

Hugh Smith

Can you send me one of your problem files? (Sent you a PM.)

Also, please include/attach a screen shot of your Playback Configuration.

Hugh Smith

Hugh Smith

Hi Shaun. I finally had a chance to look at the files.

The first thing I see is you're not using the instruments that are defined from the S7S Template. From the Readme, please review page 9 for adding instruments to the score, and page 24 on how to Export Manuscript Paper (alternative to making copies of Template .sib file). A thorough read of the entire document may be warranted at this time also.

The screen shot of your Playback Configuration was too small to make out what is there. If you're using the "S7S SoundSet 7.1a" sound set, you'll be good once you start using the instruments from the S7S Template definitions.

One other thing you can do is playback the PlayTest files to get an idea of what the S7S Template and S7S library are capable of.

Let me know if you have any other questions.


Hugh Smith


Hi Hugh. Thank you for the advice.
I've now got the sounds as they should be ( I think) I'm new to "templates" and upgrading to Sibelius 7 was a Herculean task. I've now created manuscript for what I do and this has speeded things up.
Thanks Shaun

Hugh Smith

Outstanding! Let me know if you ever need anything else.
Hugh Smith