Topic: Install issue


My computer is running Windows 7, Kontakt 4, and Sibelius 6. I downloaded the template and went to the README file to start using the template. Under the instructions to Install SE6 SoundSet 6.0a, it asks me to copy a file into the folder:
C:\Users\your username\AppData\Roaming\Sibelius Software\Sibelius 6\Sounds.
I do not have an AppData folder under users at all. What should I do?

Hugh Smith

Hi, welcome to the forum.

It's there. Read toward the bottom of this page on how to make it visible: Installing A Sound Set

Let me know how you get on.
Hugh Smith


I found it, but I still don't think that the sounds are working. How do you test to see if it works?

Hugh Smith

Assuming you have Sibelius 6.2, Sibelius Essentials (v6) and the SE6 SoundSet installed, as well as a Playback Configuration with the SE6 SoundSet assigned to Sibelius Player, you can then open one of the PlayTest files (located in the "SE6_PlayTest_6.0a" folder in the package you downloaded) and play back the file. If each stave plays as expected, then your setup is good.

An example of this can be seen in the VDL TriggerTest videos: The videos in this three part series are for a different/older template, but the basic idea still applies to the SE6 Template.

Hugh Smith


Ok. I think I bought the wrong template. I wanted a VDL Template that was compatible with Sibelius 6. I got confused by the Template being called VDL 7.0a.