Topic: Concert Toms Rim Playback


I am having trouble getting the rims to play back on all three of the Concert Toms patches (Full, Mallet and Sticks). They play back as regular tom hits as opposed to rims. When I go into edit instrument and click on the sound it sounds as a hit on the drum head as well. The only time the rim hits play correctly is if I open Kontakt Player and click on them using the virtual keyboard. I am not sure if this is a Sibelius, Template or VDL issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I am currently using the "new" Sibelius, version 8. VDL 2.5.5 and Template 7.0a. I've tested this in Sibelius 7.5 and still had the same problem.

Hugh Smith

How are you entering the rim notes?

Does the TriggerTest file playback correctly?

Please attach screen shots.
Hugh Smith


The trigger files do not play back correctly. Sibelius and VDL are both a fresh install as of less than a week ago. Not working on multiple computers. I've tried inputting through both a midi controller and manually changing the note heads. What exactly do you want screenshots of?

It seems my XML file got corrupted. I went back through and replaced it. Everything is working wonderfully Thank you for your help!

Hugh Smith

Excellent! Glad to hear it's working.
Hugh Smith